Annual Kincardine Radiothon raises funds for new hospital equipment

For the past six years, Kincardine residents and the annual Radiothon have contributed to the purchase of much-needed equipment for the Kincardine Hospital.

Given that the Province does not provide funding for equipment, hospitals rely on the generosity of their communities.  In the past, donations have enabled the purchase of Point of Care Hematology Analyzer, Coagulation Analyzer, Blood Bank Fridge, 4 Cardiac Monitors /Defibrillators and Pacers and IV Pumps.

On Saturday, September 17th, the 6th annual MyFM Radiothon fundraiser was held at Revera Trillium Court in Kincardine with  funds raised going toward the new ultra-sound machine ($194,000) that will support South Bruce Grey Hospital Centre’s (SBGHC) Cardiology program to increase capacity to approximately 2,700 exams per year in Kincardine.

“We recognize the great challenges our Front Line Workers have faced over the past few months and the great efforts they have made to keep us safe and healthy. It is our job to provide the equipment they need to fulfill their work and so we are reaching out to you to provide us with the funds to purchase this important equipment,” said Diane Baldwin, Foundation Coordinator.

The amount raised was $79,636 on the day of the Radiothong and donations are still being  accepted until the end of October.