CNSC Hearing for Bruce Power renewal application – Day 3

On Day 3, May 30th, of the Bruce Power License renewal application, the majority of interveners came out in support of the renewal.

Saugeen Shores Mayor Mike Smith, explained that approximately 40 per cent of Bruce Power workers live in the community and that number is expected to grow as supply chain companies move in to the area.

The economic spin-off for the municipality and surrounding region is becoming more evident with housing starts and commercial building  on the rise.

Bruce County Warden and Mayor of Arran Elderslie, Paul Eagleson said that Bruce Power’s multi-year investment strategy between Bruce Power and the County of Bruce has resulted in economic development agencies being developed across the entire region.

“Since 2016,” said Eagleson, “over 13 supply chain companies have moved into the area creating some 250 jobs and a nuclear cluster that is growing.  Communities are proactively building in anticipation of the growth of businesses and influx of people in an effort to sustain Bruce Power.”

When it comes to safety, he said that Bruce Power, the County and other partners publish an annual safety guide targeted to those living up to 50 km from the Bruce Power site.  “There are also on-going media releases to the public and communications with surrounding communities.”

“Bruce Power is an excellent corporate citizen,” added Eagleson, “that gives more than $1million annually to programs directed toward health and awareness, youth, veterans and many local charities in addition to local sponsorships. “

“We are very much in support of the 10-year renewal for Bruce Power,” concluded Eagleson.