Grey Bruce Public Health Unit is urging everyone to get a flu shot, particularly this year. Flu shots are now available for everyone through their healthcare provider and local participating pharmacies. This year’s flu season is taking place at the same time as COVID-19. The influenza vaccine will not protect you from COVID-19, but it will ensure you have protection against the circulating influenza virus. Don’t take any unnecessary risks with your health. Get the flu shot.
Where to get the flu vaccine
6 months to 4 years old
- Your doctor or nurse practitioner at your regular medical office; pharmacies do not offer flu vaccine to children under 5 years
- If you are not rostered with a medical office, please contact the Grey Bruce Health Unit to make an appointment with us
5-64 years old
- Your doctor or nurse practitioner at your regular medical office
- Local participating pharmacy
65 years and older
- Your doctor or nurse practitioner at your regular medical office
- Local participating pharmacy
For the 2020/2021 season, if you’re 65 and older, there are two different flu shots available – standard-dose and high-dose. Do not wait for a particular product. Both the standard-dose and high-dose vaccines contain effective strains for people over the age of 65. The most important thing is for seniors to not delay, but get protected.
Those at high-risk are more vulnerable to complications from flu. High-risk include:
- babies under 6 months are too young to get the flu shot, but they’ll get some protection if their parent got the flu shot while they were pregnant
- children under 5 years of age, because their immune systems are developing, and their airways are small and more easily blocked
- people 65 years old and older, because their immune systems are weaker and they are more likely to have an underlying condition that increases their risk
- pregnant people, because their immune system, heart and lungs change – especially later in pregnancy – making them more likely to get seriously ill from the flu
- people with underlying health conditions, such as asthma, heart disease or diabetes
The flu shot not only protects you, it helps protect those around you! Healthcare workers, household contacts of those at high-risk and/or those who provide care to those under five are capable of spreading flu to this high-risk population. Immunize yourself and protect them too.