The storage of radio-active material continues to be more of a political issue than a technical one.
Some countries are moving along at a steady pace like Finland, while most are caught in political quagmires.
Dissident groups have leaned that protest can slow any DGR project to a crawl and quickly to a complete halt.
In the United States the Yucca mountain site has been the object of political strife for decades.
Many experts have thrown up their hands at the lack of progress. Decades go by with little or no progress at any proposed site world-wide..
The cleanup from the nuclear weapon days in the US still persists and they don’t go forward year after year.
According to Gary Martin of the Las Vegas-Review Journal even lawmakers are fed up.
“We have to find a way to move past the gridlock,” said U.S. House Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight subcommittee on interior, energy and environment.”
Farenthold’s congressional district includes the South Texas Nuclear Generating Station, which stores nuclear waste and was in the path of Hurricane Harvey. He said he “would like to find a long-term solution.”
High level nuclear waste continues to pile up day after day. The US reactors are said to produce 2000 tons of nuclear waste per year.
Waste is stored in water and above ground subject to nature’s whims and evil doers.
Is any progress possible?