Kincardine Legion Corner: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 183

Wow before you know it Christmas will be here, but before it arrives there’s lots going on at the legion.

We have bingo every Thursday night doors open at 6pm and the first game is at 7pm. On Dec 6th there will be a $1000 jackpot game. What a great present that would be. December 13 there will be 15 door prizes of a box of after eight mints December 20th will be the turkey giveaway bingo night with 15 to be won. So come out and play bingo the proceeds help support local charities like the Christmas Hamper program.

Since the Ace was found so quickly we are partnering up with the Kinetic Knights again for a second time. Tickets will be available by approximately 3pm Thursday’s at the legion bar, Jean’s restaurant, Sleepers, Edward Fuels, and Lake Mart Esso. Tickets are on sale right up to the draw time of 4pm Wednesday’s at the legion bar. Get your tickets and support the Knights.

Are looking for something to do on New Year’s Eve? Why not come to the legion. Joseph J is going to be the DJ for the evening. There will be party favours, munchies and a cold buffet at 11pm. Tickets will be $35 per person and are available at the legion bar. Get yours before they sell out.

December family dinner will be held on Sunday December 9th. Cate always does a lovely meal up to celebrate the Christmas season. What a great way to catch up with friends at this time of the year and not have to do the cooking or clean up.

Jam sessions will be December 7th and 21 this is a great fun filled night with some very talented local musicians. If you haven’t come out to one you’re missing out on a good night out.

The legion is open Monday to Friday noon to 10pm and Saturday’s noon to 6pm. The legion has shuffleboard, darts, pool tables and cards available for everyone to use during these times. Come check out your local legion.