Don’t forget about the brunch on Sunday August 5th in the hall from 11 to 2pm. So instead of trying to cook for yourselves, and maybe your guests when so much is happening, let the legion take care of the cooking and clean-up.
Are you looking for some place to hold a wedding, retirement party anniversary party or some other special occasion? The legion has different rooms available for rent. We can serve appetizers, light lunches or full meals. Call the legion office 519-396-2372 and see if we can accommodate your needs.
Saturday afternoon means meat draws takes place in the clubhouse. Tickets are on sale at 2:30 first draw is at 3pm. Total number of draws is 8 plus a separate draw for a 50/50 prize. Come on out for and socialize for the afternoon and maybe go home with a prize.
Have you signed up for the shuffleboard tournament at the legion during the reunion? It takes place Thursday August 2nd to Monday August 6th. This will be a single elimination tournament. The sign-up sheet is at the legion bar. The entry fee is $10. The maximum number of teams will be 32.
Hamburger nights take place every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm before Bingo. Order at the bar and maybe grab some fries, onion rings or deep fried dill pickle spears while you are there. Who doesn’t like to let someone else do the cooking?
Since you are already at the legion why not stay and try your luck at Bingo.
The legion fun golf tournament is happening on Sunday August 19. Teams can sign up at the legion bar payment must be given for the entire team. Cost is $50 for members $55 for non members. If you want to use a golf cart you must call the Kincardine Golf Course to make arrangements 396-2112.
Hours for the reunion weekend will be Thursday and Friday noon to 10pm, Saturday noon to 8 pm, Sunday 11 to 8pm and Holiday Monday noon to 8pm.
I hope everyone enjoys the Kincardine Reunion.