Kincardine Lions roar into their new year with donations

The Kincardine & District Lions Club, after assisting with access and parking at over 25 Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics at the Davidson Centre in the past six months, was pleased to kick off their new Lions’ year with some cheque presentations.
The Club continues to meet regularly via “Zoom” and is hoping to be able to get back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
First on the list was the Lions Summer Playground Inclusion annual program that has been sponsored for more than 30 years.
    (L)Kate Leppington & Morgan Talbot (R) accept donation from Lion President Paul                       Thompson, Lions Joan Thompson, Larry Bannerman and Peter Morris

Funds donated to the Women’s House will go toward the yard enhancement project.

(L)Michelle Lamont of Women’s House Serving Bruce Grey, Lion President Paul Thompson, Lions Peter Morris, Larry Bannerman and Joan Thompson
Flanked by Bird Construction workers, Lion President Paul Thompson presents a cheque to Sylvia Leigh, fundraising chair, of the ongoing Walker House restoration project. Lions Joan Thompson, Larry Bannerman and Peter Morris assist