The COVID-19 Outbreak at Errinrung Long-Term Care Facility has been declared over.
An outbreak of COVID-19 in a long-term care facility is declared when one or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 are identified in the home. The legal declaration of an outbreak, its termination, and any information with regard to the status of the outbreak can only be made by Public Health and posted on our website.
Errinrung staff promptly identified the outbreak, notified Public Health, and worked closely with Grey Bruce Health Unit staff throughout the outbreak response.
Public Health Infectious Diseases Team members conducted an onsite Infection Control assessment during the outbreak, where the hard work by Errinrung staff was observed.
Working together, Errinrung and Health Unit staff carefully evaluated the situation and worked to immediately implement outbreak measures appropriate for the level of risk. The outbreak was resolved with minimal impact to the home’s staff and residents.
We thank the staff at Errinrung for their dedication and co-operation.