Dear Editor:
Like many Canadians, the recent observance of Canada Day has me feeling a little more patriotic than usual.
This year in South Bruce, we’re gearing up for an important referendum in late October, on the issue of whether or not we will be a willing host community for Canada’s proposed Deep Geological Repository (DGR), for Canada’s spent nuclear fuel. This entire prospect makes me very proud to be a Canadian, and thankful to live in this great country, for a number of reasons:
1. We’ve been able to do big things in Canada, like build great cities connected by mega-highways, airports and high-speed telecommunications networks. Our robust agricultural sector produces healthy food at scale for the growing demands of our population. And we have a stable electricity system, so nearly all Canadians can count on clean, stable power for our homes, factories and hospitals. These systems are so good and reliable, we often tend to take them for granted.
2. Like many leading industrialized countries, we have confidently embraced the nuclear power, to produce non-emitting electricity in great abundance. For context, the power output of just three of the eight Bruce generating units is roughly equivalent to the combined Canadian output from Niagara Falls. (See Right here in Bruce County, we have safely and responsibly operated this technology for over fifty years.
3. Led by the Canadian government, and with funding from Canada’s producers of nuclear energy, we have a responsible plan to safely and permanently deal with our highest-level nuclear waste, placing it deep in the bedrock of South Bruce for all time.
4. We will make this decision like the progressive democracy we are, allowing the residents of the host community to vote on our willingness to host, this October. The government has committed that this project will not be forced on any community against the majority will of its citizens.
5. The process will include our local Indigenous people, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, who were the traditional stewards of these lands and waters for thousands of years. This respects the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent, which is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Canada is far from perfect. We have many problems, and many things that can and should be improved. But this is still a great country, and we can still do great things. I’m eager to see if my fellow citizens of South Bruce will embrace the opportunity.
Sincerely, and proudly Canadian,
Tony Zettel, RR5 Mildmay