A by-law to provide for the annual remuneration(s) to be paid to the Warden and Members of Council of the County of Bruce for the year 2021 was passed on February 4th.
Bruce County Council enacted By-law 2021-006 to approve the remunerations as follows:
- Councillor Remuneration for a full-day meeting in addition to mileage – $170; half day, or night meeting at $85 in addition to mileage
- Warden’s Honourarium in addition to regular per diems – $35,934.10 annually
- Councillor’s Honourarium in addition to regular per diems – $21,574.83 annually. In addition, mileage is to be paid per kilometre travelled once to and from session
- Mileage paid to Council members using their automobiles on County business shall also be at the rate adopted from time-to-time by County Council.
- All rates are retroactive to January 1, 2021.