DGR completes nuclear soundness against climate change says reader

To the Editor: I would like to congratulate the Town of South Bruce on its recent 51.2 % approval for the proposed DGR (deep geologic...

Votes now being cast in South Bruce for proposed DGR

Dear Editor, By the time this letter is printed, the referendum will be underway in South Bruce, and some of my neighbours will already have...

Every vote counts when it comes to accepting a DGR says reader

To the Editor: From October 21st to October 28th, South Bruce residents face a pivotal choice ... whether or not to be a willing host...

South Bruce DGR referendum only days away

Dear Editor, The referendum on the South Bruce DGR is only days away, and residents have an opportunity to change the future of our local...

Experts vs Activists – does activism constitute being an expert?

Dear Editor, What is an expert and who can you trust to help you make sound decisions? At one time, identifying a person with expertise in...

Back to School on the DGR

Dear Editor, As many in our area are heading back to school, it's occurred to me that many of my neighbours here in South Bruce...

Labour Day 2024-Grey Bruce Labour Council

Dear Editor Not the first day called Labour Day, but the strike for the nine hour day by the Toronto printers in 1872 is often...

Reader sets out why Canada needs a DGR

Dear Editor, With all the recent announcements around the Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for spent nuclear fuel, which is being proposed to be built in...

Writer is Proudly Canadian

Dear Editor: Like many Canadians, the recent observance of Canada Day has me feeling a little more patriotic than usual. This year in South Bruce, we're...

Urgent measures needed to combat an invasive species that destroys forest flora plant life

To the Editor: For information and reference regarding the invasive garlic mustard - the photos below are from Geddes Park in Kincardine.  The forest has...