Bruce County forms Age-Friendly Committee to support older adults

Recognizing an aging demographic, Bruce County formed the Bruce County Age-Friendly Committee in 2024 to support older adults in the region.

The committee is made up of representatives from the public sector, lower-tier municipalities, and various organizations that support or serve seniors and promotes independent, active living for older individuals.

The vision of the Committee is to have Bruce County recognized as an Age-Friendly Community by the World Health Organization (WHO).  To date, it has completed its 2024 work plan, including drafting terms of reference, defining guiding principles and finalizing the community profile.

The Committee has also partnered with Brock University students whose research will help inform the development of policies and strategies that address the specific needs of older adults across the region.

In 2025, the Committee is expected to expand community engagement by gathering input from seniors to ensure that their voices are heard to continue shaping future initiatives.

At the Bruce County Council meeting held in June, Megan Garland, Director of Long Term Care and Senior Services said that, “An Age-Friendly community is one that addresses both the opportunities and challenges of an aging population by creating a physical and social environment that promotes independent, active living, and enables older individuals to continue contributing to all aspects of community life.”

There are several services available for Seniors:

Bruce County has also established a new Senior Services page setting out a growing list of resources and programs that support active living for seniors.