Ask the Pharmacist

Q. What are the various influenza vaccines available this season and when is the best timing to get it administered? A. Though there are many...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. I am hearing some chatter about flu shots already. Since there were minimal cases of influenza last year, is there any need for...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) What do you think of the possibility that we will soon be able to vaccinate at least some of our kids? A) This is...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. I was in bed for nearly a week after my first COVID vaccine and am reluctant to get a second dose let alone...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) There are many people worldwide whom have yet to have even their first dose of the COVID vaccine. What are the pros and...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. I heard Ontario is going to be giving booster doses for COVID soon. Who is eligible to get booster doses for COVID in...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I heard on the news that Theresa Tam has announced that Canada is now officially in the 4th wave of the pandemic. How...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I read your series of articles about Long-COVID recently and they only seemed to talk about adults. Can kids suffer from this syndrome...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. I am hesitant to get my COVID-19 vaccine as I am concerned with long-term side effects. Can you give me some insight into...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) How are we treating patients with long-COVID and are we doing a good job with it? A) Over the last couple of weeks, we...