Covid-19: Phase 3 Municipal Reopening

With the Province of Ontario announcement on Monday July 13 for plans for Phase 3 re opening, the Municipality of Kincardine is developing safety procedures and protocols to get the various facilities and amenities open for future use.

Playground Equipment

As of Friday July 17, 2020 all playground equipment will be open to the public. Parents and caregivers, please note that although these facilities are open, disinfecting of surfaces will not be undertaken, so please use at your own risk and ensure hand washing is a regular occurrence before and after use. Also, please ensure that physical distancing protocols are used when playing on the equipment.

Davidson Centre

The Davidson Centre will remain closed at this time. A phased approach to reopening is being developed in consultation with the Grey Bruce Health Unit and user groups. An update will be presented to Municipality of Kincardine Council in August regarding reopening. Please visit the and Facebook page for updates on reopening plans.

Municipal Administration Centre

The Municipal Administration Centre is preparing for reopening by appointment only. Staff continue to be available by phone or email. For a current staff/department directory, please visit: .

Mail, courier and other deliveries to the Municipal Administration Centre will only be available on Mondays and Thursdays between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please call 519-396-3468 ext. 7116 if you need to make a delivery on those days.

Taxes and other Municipal payments can be paid by mail, the drop box at the Municipal Administrative Centre, online and telephone banking. Payments will continue to be processed on a daily basis. Please contact the Treasury Department if you have concerns about how to make your payments during this time. Visit to view our Payment Options for various ways to pay your bill.

We appreciate the patience of the public at this time as we work diligently to create a safe working environment for staff and the public.

Keep up to date as information becomes available