Future physician secured for Kincardine


A future physician has been secured for the Municipality of Kincardine.

The Municipality of Kincardine has entered into a five-year agreement with Allegra Reeves, commencing in 2022, to begin her medical practice in the Municipality.

“I am currently finishing medical school through the University of Ottawa and looking forward to family medicine residency. I have fond memories of summers spent in Kincardine at the family cottage, so much so, we purchased a home and moved here in September. My husband Jack is right at home, he hails from a family of pipers and is now a member of the Kincardine Pipe Band. We are excited to experience everything Kincardine has to offer from spending time on the trails to enjoying family events. We love the area the people and are looking forward to living and working in the community”, says Ms. Reeves.

Ms. Reeves is currently in her fourth year of medical school and will begin residency in July of 2020; ready to practice medicine in 2022. She has completed electives with Dr. Murray, Dr. Gunaratne, Dr. Soong, and joined Dr. Ballantine in his dermatology clinic, as well as the ER, in February 2020.

Municipality of Kincardine Mayor, Anne Eadie, “This is another positive step towards replacing retiring and relocating physicians, which ensures our residents’ health care needs continue to be met.”