Having successfully contained the recent surge in cases of COVID-19 locally, the Grey Bruce Health Unit is re-activating our telephone Helpline, 519-376-9420 ext. 3000
To prevent further transmission and support the large case volume staff were re-assign from the Helpline to assist contact tracing and case management during the recent surge.
The Helpline provides general guidance related to COVID-19. It is not a vaccine booking system or capable of managing booking system challenges. Most questions to the Helpline are answered on our website. As such, basic vaccine or COVID-19 questions in which the answer is easily available on our website or application will be referred to our website. We will respond to those without capacity to review the website.
As a reminder when calling the Helpline, please ensure you speak respectfully to the staff, avoiding rude, vulgar or cruel language, as it will not be tolerated.
For information about the vaccine rollout, to review eligibility, and to understand how to book an appointment, please visit our Vaccine Webpage, or download our mobile app at: COVID-19 Vaccines (publichealthgreybruce.on.ca)
For information on eligibility and booking through the provincial system, please visit: About the Provincial Booking System (publichealthgreybruce.on.ca)
Please note the provincial booking system can book first and second appointments.
For information on eligibility and booking through the local Grey Bruce Health Unit booking system, please visit:
Local Booking System for Other Eligible Groups (publichealthgreybruce.on.ca)
At this time, the local booking system only books first appointments. The majority of clients that book using this system must book their second appointment when it is due – 16 weeks after the first dose (with some exceptions for a small portion of the population)
To book over the phone with the local booking system, please call the Grey Bruce vaccine line at:
· 1-833-421-1999; Monday to Friday: 8 am – 7 pm; Saturday 9 am to 1 pm; Closed Sunday. (Grey Bruce Community Connections).
The Grey Bruce Health Unit wants to thank everyone for their patience during this time.