In the midst of unprecedented attacks on workers and unions across Ontario, the Grey Bruce Labour Council undertook it’s bi-annual executive elections on January 27th.

“Not one Labour Council delegate, executive or otherwise, is under any illusions about what is happening in Ontario. The Doug Ford government and their corporate friends are on a mission to roll back labour relations, health and safety and social progress as far as they can. There is no limit to this government’s malignance. They will do this while starving public services and lining the pockets of their corporate and union busting friends”, according to Labour Council President, Kevin Smith.
Labour Council VP, Dave Trumble, has been a delegate to the Grey Bruce Labour Council for decades and notes that “Ford’s caucus of enablers knows no shame and that Ford himself is profoundly unqualified to lead Ontario. The Labour Council and the Canadian Labour Movement have been under attack many times in over more than a century of fighting for social justice and the rights of workers and we have persevered through the ugliness of previous attacks like the Harris Tories and we will outlast the current government of the one percent in Ontario and all such comers, sooner or later”.
The newcomers to the Labour Council Executive and Trustees, Chris Stephen, Krista Moran and Amy Stephen bring with them unbridled commitment and energy that will only accelerate and enhance the work on behalf of working people undertaken for nearly 65 years by this Council.
The policies of austerity and corporate tax cuts, so loved by the Ford government and their ilk, are recognized as failed policies and will do nothing but feed the rich and starve everyone else. Education workers and workers in the public service across Ontario are leading the fight against Doug Ford and with huge numbers of workers in general lining up to support them, Ford and his caucus and unelected advisors need to know that the fight that they fear is waiting for them and the struggle for social justice will outlast all of them and we are not going anywhere.