Grey Bruce moves to full Provincial Step 3

The Grey Bruce Health Unit, in collaboration with partners and the community, has been successful in bringing COVID-19 case numbers down. This enables Grey Bruce to move to the full provincial Step 3, effective 12:01 am August 5

As the rest of the province progressed to Step 3 on July 15, a modified Step 3 was introduced in Grey Bruce to address the significant number of Delta variant COVID-19 cases. The modified Step 3 included strong recommendations, instead of regulatory orders, designed to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Moving to the full Step 3 reopening relaxes restrictions on the numbers that can gather to a maximum of 100 people outdoors and a maximum of 25 people indoors.

Personal service settings and salons may now provide services that require the removal of a face covering, with capacity limited to permit physical distancing.

Recommendations to only dine outdoors are no longer in place.

We still encourage workplaces and patrons to follow public health measures, especially at gyms, cinemas, and restaurants as well as church services and attendees.

“Our robust Case and Contact Management was the crucial factor in bringing this latest Delta variant surge under control,” says Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Ian Arra. “However, our analysis shows the majority of transmission during the last surge was in individuals not fully vaccinated. An aggressive roll-out of vaccine, and the community support for that, will help to ensure it does not return.” 

Working with partners and volunteers, the Grey Bruce Health Unit took to the community vaccinating about 70,000 people, 50% of eligible public in Grey Bruce, in the past 4 weeks.

“We now need everyone’s help to encourage those who have not had their vaccine to get protected. Having everyone who is eligible fully vaccinated is the most successful way to prevent COVID-19. There are Drop-In Vaccine Clinics across Grey Bruce,” adds Dr. Arra.  Vaccine Schedule