Huron-Kinloss appoints new Municipal Clerk

Today, on behalf of Council, Township of Huron-Kinloss Mayor Mitch Twolan announced the appointment of Jennifer White to the role of Municipal Clerk effective November 15th, 2022.

Jennifer will join the Huron-Kinloss staff on October 31st, 2022 and will be formally appointed in November. Jennifer has excellent working knowledge of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act and is familiar with the Drainage Act, Planning Act and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. She is also a very active member of her community volunteering with the Rotary Club, Curling Club Executive, and the Huron Shores Hospice Board, in either Presidential or Director positions: all very promising attributes to bring to the Township of Huron-Kinloss.

“We are very happy to have Jennifer join the Huron-Kinloss staff team. Jennifer brings a wealth of knowledge and several years of municipal experience to this position,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mary Rose Walden. “I’m very pleased to welcome her to the Huron-Kinloss staff team.”

Jennifer’s current role is Deputy Clerk at the Municipality of Kincardine, where she been at work in the public sector for eight years and is working towards her Certified Municipal Officer designation.

“The Township of Huron-Kinloss is a progressive and growing community. I am happy to join the Huron-Kinloss family in the role of Municipal Clerk and welcome this opportunity to be a part of the Township’s future,” said Jennifer White.