Kincardine Legion Corner: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 183

August 30 the jackpot for Bingo will be $1000 so mark your calendars and come play bingo and maybe go home with a big payout. Doors open at 6pm first games start at 7pm.

The Mudmen weren’t at Scottish fest this year, but they are coming to play in the hall on Sept 8 doors open at 7:30 show starts at 8:30. You won’t want to miss this show and tickets will be going fast. Tickets are $20 and available at the legion bar.

September 18 will be the first of two free fun nights to check out the mixed dart league. Things get started at 7:30 and play is usually done by 9:30. Whether you can commit to every week or you can only commit to being a spare come out and try playing darts you do not need to be experienced.

Some upcoming dates for September regular events are:

Sunday Sept 9 family dinner 4:30 to 6pm

Fiddlers Tuesday Sept 11 and Sept 25 7pm clubhouse

Jam session Friday Sept 14 and Sept 28 7pm in the clubhouse

Trivia Friday Sept 21 in the hall 7pm

And every Saturday afternoon the meat draw, first draw 3pm

Sunday Sept 22 will be the first general meeting after the summer break. Please make sure you mark the date down and come out. We need enough members present so we can vote on the necessary business. See you at 2pm.

The legion is open Monday to Friday from noon to 10pm, Saturdays from noon to 6pm. You do not have to be a member to come enjoy the activities that are at the legion, or come by and checkout the clubhouse.