‘Willing to Listen’ is hosting a discussion with two renowned physicians about the health impacts of nuclear power and nuclear waste on Saturday, September 17 from 1 – 2:30 p.m. at the Teeswater Community Centre.
With the issue of the proposed deep geologic repository front and centre in South Bruce, Dr. Chris Keefer and Dr. Douglas Boreham will be delivering a presentation and Q&A period on the health impacts of nuclear power and nuclear waste.
“As a nuclear operator, I know how to safely manage radiation but I realize radiation can feel like a mystery to many people. We are so fortunate to have Dr. Keefer and Dr. Boreham join us in Teeswater as they are so knowledgeable about both the nuclear industry and radiation,” said Sheila Whytock of ‘Willing to Listen’. “As science educators and communicators, they are able to talk about these topics in a way we can all understand.”
Dr. Chris Keefer is an emergency physician and educator and the founder of Doctors for Nuclear Power, president of Canadians for Nuclear Energy and hosts the Decoupling podcast. Earlier this year he appeared before the House of Commons Standing committee on “Creating a fair and equitable transition for Canada’s energy transformation.”
Dr. Douglas Boreham is the Division head of Medical Sciences at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and a recognized expert on the effects of radiation. He has been featured on television and radio broadcasts including CBC Passionate Eye, The Discovery Channel, The Nature of Things and CBC Radio-One. He was the 2012 Canadian delegate for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and was a professor at McMaster University in the Department of Medical Physics and Applied Radiation Sciences for 12 years before joining NOSM.
This is an opportunity for the community to learn about the radiation risks associated with the long-term storage of used nuclear fuel and to ask questions about how the proposed DGR will ensure safety of people and the environment.
About Willing to Listen: ‘Willing to Listen’ is comprised of local citizens (including, but not limited to, nuclear workers, farmers, small business owners, teachers, nurses, tradespeople and parents) who are committed to learning more about the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO) proposed Deep Geological Repository (DGR) in South Bruce.
The group is neither for nor against the DGR, but is committed to sharing fact-based information so that the people of South Bruce can make an informed decision based on facts and not fear.