OPP investigate substantial on-line fraud

On January 29, 2025, the South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were dispatched to an address in the Municipality of Kincardine, where an individual reported being victim of a fraud.

Investigation revealed that over the course of approximately 5 years, the victim sent over $100,000 to an individual they had conversed with online. The victim became suspicious after they had received a fraudulent letter threatening their arrest if further funds were not sent.

The investigation has been passed over to the South Bruce OPP Crime Unit.

We urge residents to be extremely cautious when engaging in online relationships, business ventures, investments opportunities, etc. Please verify any unsolicited requests before providing personal information.

For more information on fraud, you can contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 or http://www.antifraudcentre.ca

The South Bruce OPP is requesting anyone with information to call 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or submit a secure web-tip at www.cstip.ca, where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2000.