Players come out to bat for Crime Stoppers

Some 200 slo-pitch players came out to bat for Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce.

The FUNdraising tournament was a first to help raise funds for Crime Stoppers. 

The VOLUNTEER organization receives little to no funding from government sources despite being one of the primary sources that help police services in the fight against crime within communities.


(L) Organizer Shannon Moore and volunteers, Eric Burke and Betty Bender were the BBQ ‘grill masters’
(L) Stephanie Reid, Len Metcalf and Crime Stoppers Chair Peter Reid

All tip-money paid out by the organization is fundraised by the volunteers through various sources such as BBQs, garage sales, flea market participation, etc.

The slo-pitch tournament organized by Shannon Moore of the Crime Stoppers Board took place in Owen Sound’s McLellan Park and raised $2,200.

“We want to thank everyone who came out,” said Moore.  “The day started out on a somewhat rainy note but then things cleared up and the rest of the day was super.  From burgers to the beer garden and ball playing, it was a fun day for everyone and we are looking forward to making it an annual event.”

Two winning teams were the Men’s Hard Bomers (L) and the Co-ed Pancake Batters (R) below