Saugeen River Access Points and Bruce County Trails Reopening

Bruce County is pleased to announce that the Saugeen River Access Points will reopen tomorrow, May 30, 2020 and the Bruce County Trails will open on Monday, June 1, 2020. The difficult decision to close these recreational properties was made to limit the risk of spreading Covid-19.

The following properties are included in this reopening as they are Bruce County owned Saugeen River access points:

#6 – 8th Brant Bridge, Walkerton – Concession 8, Brant
#7 – Nagg’s Bridge, Walkerton – 846 Concession 10, Brant;
#8 – McCurdy Bridge, Paisley – 428 Brant-Elderslie Townline;
#10 – Forrester’s Bridge, Paisley – 3501 Bruce Road 3, North of Paisley;
#12 – Turner’s Bridge, Paisley – 1813 Bruce Road 40;
#13 – Campbell-Thede Bridge, Paisley – 854 Bruce Road 17; and
#14 – Old Schenk’s Bridge, Paisley – 5058 Bruce Road 3

Bruce County owned trails include the Carrick Tract, the Brant Tract, the Kinloss Tract, the Culross Tract, the Amabel Tract, the MTB Adventure Park and the Bruce County Rail Trail.

The Lindsay Tract will remain closed. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. Bruce County’s priority is the safety and well-being of all and continues to remind everyone:

*That the order restricting social gatherings to no more than five people is still in effect
*To continue to practice physical distancing – stay 2 meters / 6 feet apart
*Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
*Sneeze and cough into your sleeve and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
*Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay at home if you are sick or unwell
*Clean and disinfect high-touch objects and surfaces frequently

For up to date information on Covid-19, follow and the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit .