Spring is a time for caution when it comes to water

It’s that time of year again when Spring means melting snow and ice that can cause fast rising waters along rivers and lake shores.

“Every year, there is a terrifying and sometimes tragic news that someone has been on or near what they thought were safe waterways,”  said Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) in a March 11th news release.

“The risks of flooding are always higher in the Spring with increased water levels from snowmelt and frozen or saturated soils.  Further, at this time of the year, temperatures rise above freezing and the sun’s rays are stronger making ice safety very unpredictable. Generally, March and April in Grey and Bruce Counties are not appropriate months to be on the ice with its thickness being questionable.”

Of additional concern is the fast moving, cold water to which children are naturally drawn  and, with the cold temperatures, unpredictable ice conditions and slippery banks, this could spell disaster.

SVCA encourages parents to remind their children to stay safe and far away from waterways at this time of the year.

For over thirty years, education staff from SVCA have presented flood safety programs to over 50,000 elementary students in its watershed. The programming is interactive with demonstrations designed to teach students how a flood happens, SVCA’s role in flood forecasting and warning, and hands-on experiments about the effects of hypothermia – all to ensure the message is being understood.

SVCA will not be presenting the program in-person in schools this year but local community youth groups are encouraged to register and participate in these free programs offered throughout March and April.

To book a Flood Waters and You student safety program, contact Nancy Griffin, Conservation Education Coordinator, SVCA at (519) 369-4706 (cell).