Public Health wants to want to remind everyone of the importance of physical activity for children’s wellbeing. As the weather improves, children are naturally drawn to outdoor activities, including parks and playground equipment. These are wonderful ways to remain active, but we must also ensure their safety, from COVID, the sun, and other potential hazards.
In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, children should:
- Play with people form their own household only.
- Avoid close contact with others from different households.
- Wear the face covering/mask, if possible. A face covering is a great way to reduce this risk, if the child can wear one properly.
- Remind children to avoid sharing personal items, including toys, food, drinks, devices, games, and sports equipment with those not in their own household.
- Wash or sanitize your children’s hands or have them perform this task before and after playing on any equipment, and prior to eating or drinking.
While outdoor recreation is strongly encouraged, safety should be a priority.
A reminder that a sun hat and sunscreen should be worn when outside.
Mosquitos and ticks are also prevalent this time of year. Apply an appropriate bug repellent to help keep the family safe while outside.
Parents/guardians should always supervise children playing in community playgrounds. Be cautious of other risks, and act accordingly.
Always observe the 3Ws; Wear a mask, Watch your social distancing. Wash your hands.