Over the past few months Saugeen Conservation (SVCA) and the REALTORS® Association of Grey Bruce Owen Sound (RAGBOS) have been working together to reach common goals related to real estate transactions. Jointly, the two organizations have been discussing measures to improve wait times for inspections and permit letters for properties in or near regulated areas.
“The protection of people and property from flooding and natural hazards is definitely the mandate of the conservation authority, but anything SVCA can do to make the permit process, for which it is responsible, more efficient and effective is definitely on our radar”, says Dick Hibma, Interim General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer of Saugeen Conservation.
REALTORS® are in a unique position, in that they are usually the first point of contact when property is either being purchased or sold. As such, REALTORS® are able to encourage clients to be pro-active and reach out to the local conservation authority to determine if a property is subject to restrictions, if an inspection is required and to apply for any permit letter should a new build or add-on structure be contemplated.
“REALTORS® are an integral part of the real estate transaction, so it just makes sense to involve them in distributing the newly created https://bit.ly/SVCA_Flyer, a collaboration of SVCA & RAGBOS, which puts timely information about permit processes in the hands of clients so they can get a jump on applying for any required approvals”, stated Barbara Dircks, RAGBOS President. “Since real estate transactions succeed or fail on conditions being met in Offers, it is important that both groups are focused on the timely fulfilment of conditions requiring SVCA approval, thus increasing the likelihood of successful closings. A partnership that translates into streamlined processes and increased efficiencies in the permit process is a “win win” for all”, continued Dircks.
“The SVCA has made major strides to help our clients effectively and appropriately address natural hazards”, stated Erik Downing, Manager of SVCA’s Environmental Planning and Regulations Department. Real Estate Agents have a significant role also, in helping clients understanding these natural hazards and explaining the process with regards to new development or understanding site conditions at time of purchase. Our relationship with RAGBOS is mutually beneficial to both groups, and ultimately to our clients.”
The two groups look forward to a continued cooperative relationship resulting in an improved mapping solution and additional tools and resources to increase productivity.