SVCA issues water safety statement due to heavy rains

The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority advises that the current forecasted precipitation from Monday June 6th to Tuesday June 7th is between 30 and 75 millimetres.

However, localized storm cells across the watershed may contribute an additional 10 to 25 mm. This would bring the total potential precipitation to 30 to 95 millimetres for Monday and Tuesday.

At this time, there is considerable uncertainty as to the anticipated location and duration of these storm cells.

While significant flooding is not expected, rivers could reach or exceed bankfull conditions, with potential flooding in traditional low-lying areas. More extensive flooding is possible should the region receive rainfall amounts greater than what are currently forecast.

Recreational river users should take extra precautions, as higher water levels and faster flows are expected to develop for the next 72 hours.

This Water Safety Statement will be in effect until 4:00PM on Wednesday June 8, 2022, or until further notice.

The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will provide updates as required.