The Strength in Our Numbers report captures community responses

The story of the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic is still being written, but the United Way of Bruce Grey, as part of Capacity Canada’s Creative Day for Social Good (CD4SG), collaborated to tell the story of the first nine months.

The report titled “The Strength in Our Numbers” highlights funding, projects, programs and a few moments that have occurred in the last nine months.

“We knew from the start of the pandemic that we would want to capture how our community responded,” explains Francesca Dobbyn, Executive Director of the United Way of Bruce Grey. “The partnerships, the collaborations, the support in our region is incredible. When CD4SG solicited proposals for the day, we knew this was a further collaboration, should we be selected.”

The report details almost $3.3 million in supports to the community through six focus areas:

Food Security
Social inclusion and learning
Information and community navigation
Mental Health & Wellness
Health & hygiene

The entire report can be downloaded from the United Way’s website at:

The United Way wishes to express its gratitude to the CD4SG team that worked hard to pull together our community’s story.

“We are all so grateful for the many organizations, community leaders, volunteers and donors who are doing their best to help everyone feel safe and comfortable during this pandemic. This report only scratches the surface of the Bruce Grey pandemic response. We know there are many more stories to be told,” Dobbyn assured.

“The United Way of Bruce Grey is on the forefront of poverty reduction conversations in the community and at a provincial level for specifically rural poverty issues,” says Dobbyn. “The United Way provides leadership and mentorship in addition to providing a broad community convener role, creating tables and networks among the silos of services. We also provide funding to many different agencies throughout the two counties, serves on many different networks and committees, providing leadership for some. All of the funds raised stay in Bruce and Grey Counties.”

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