This morning, February 2nd, at precisely 8:07 a.m. and, in true Wiarton Willie fashion, his prognostication for 2022 is that it will be an early Spring!
The 66th annual Wiarton Willie Festival was a virtual event again this year as the official ‘Shadow Cabinet’ was piped to the stage.
As part of the Cabinet this year, were Bruce-Grey Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker, Mike Rencheck (CEO & President of Bruce Power, the Festival’s Platinum sponsor) and Neyaashiinigmiing (Cape Croker) Chief Veronica Smith.
The former albino Wiarton Willie recently passed away due to an abscessed tooth and, therefore, his ‘cousin Willie’ was brought in for the event. According to folklore, Mayor Janet Jackson is the only one that speaks ‘groundhogeze’ and, after listening to ‘Willie’, delivered the prediction of an early Spring.