Photo by Javardh/Unsplash

There are angels among us; I know this to be true because I have seen them.

It wasn’t easy to make out their faces as they kept their identity well hidden behind protective glasses and face masks.  Most of them had tucked their hair up in tight caps on their heads.  These colourful caps had a large button sewn on each side and from what I could tell these buttons were used to hold up their glasses and face masks, a most ingenious design.

My mother had been taken by ambulance to the local hospital and was later admitted.  She had been bravely battling cancer and due to some complications of her treatment was in need of some special care.  Definitely the angels that surrounded her bed were offering a compassionate and dignified care.

One afternoon, as a couple of these angels were tending to my mother in her hospital room, I stood in the hallway with my back up against the wall.  From this vantage point I witnessed as they swirled about pushing folks in wheel chairs, aiding others to walk steadily with their canes and in one case aiding a young man with his broken arm; they were in constant motion.

A few days later, after my mother had been moved to the local hospice I again witness the gentle yet strong energy of these otherworldly beings.  They tended to my mother and in equal measure took time to care for our grieved and saddened souls.  My dad, who was helplessly watching the love of his life fade away, was tended to by these angels in such a way it ministered to us all.

What I cannot understand is how can there be both atheists and angels among us?  How can one witness the selfless care of nurses; their willingness to step fulling into people’s pain, illness and messiness and not see the divinity of their presence?  They step forward when most of us purposely run in the opposite direction.  Only a great and loving God could create such beings as nurses; those both skilled and called to help others.

I cannot watch the care of a good nurse and not turn to God and say, “Thank you!”.

After my mother had taken her last breath and all the arrangements had been made one last nurse came to offer words of comfort and as she turn to leave the room I am almost 100% sure I heard the fluttering of wings.

Rev. Heather McCarrel