Bruce Power, Bruce County and the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today to expand the Nuclear Economic Development and Innovation Initiative to include OCNI as an equal partner in moving the initiative forward.

“OCNI is pleased to join the partnership with Bruce County and Bruce Power,” said Ron Oberth, President and CEO of OCNI. “The integration of OCNI into this initiative is an amazing opportunity to expand the role we play in connecting our network of nuclear supply chain companies to Bruce, Grey and Huron counties.”
OCNI has an active network of more than 220 member companies that supply equipment and services to the nuclear industry in Canada and abroad. “We look forward to building on the initiative’s success while playing a larger role in regional nuclear economic development”, Oberth added.
Launched in 2016, the initiative is a jointly funded partnership designed to leverage economic opportunities in communities across Bruce, Grey and Huron counties, given Bruce Power’s multi-year investment program. To date, the initiative has been a significant success, with wide-spread economic impacts across the region, including over 50 suppliers establishing a presence in 10 communities across Bruce, Grey and Huron, and the realization and commitment to create about 500 jobs locally over the next few years.
“It is the opportune time to expand our partnership to include OCNI,” said James Scongack, Bruce Power’s Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Operational Services. “The expertise, services and support they provide to the regional nuclear supply chain will enhance our ability to continue to grow this initiative, while encouraging more suppliers to establish a presence in our communities. In addition to continuing to support our direct supply chain, a key objective going forward is to expand our sub-supplier regional network and work with existing local suppliers to utilize local companies in their own supply chain.”
The jointly funded position will be housed in OCNI’s Port Elgin office located at 625 Goderich St. Alison Fernandes, who has worked locally for OCNI for the past 2 years as the Bruce Power/Bruce County Liaison Officer, supporting local suppliers in integrating into the region, will assume the role of Manager Nuclear Economic Development and Innovation to advance this refreshed partnership. The region will continue to be engaged through the Nuclear Industry Regional Liaison Committee.
“We are in the process of growing a robust and healthy nuclear supply chain eco-system in our region,” said Mitch Twolan, Bruce County Warden. “The expertise, support and services that OCNI can provide its members will help promote this region, local businesses, and our community assets to a cross-section of nuclear companies that are looking to establish and grow a presence here.”
About the Nuclear Economic Development and Innovation Initiative
In 2016, Bruce Power and the County of Bruce launched a regional economic development initiative to facilitate the expansion of Bruce Power Suppliers into the region. This initiative was in response to Bruce Power’s multi-billion dollar, multi-year Life Extension Program. In May 2018, the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries became a joint partner in delivering the Initiative. More information on the initiative can be found at
About the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI)
OCNI is an association of 220 suppliers to the nuclear industry in Canada and abroad that employ more than 14,000 highly skilled and specialized engineers, technologists, and trades people. OCNI companies design reactors, manufacture major equipment and components, and provide engineering services and support to CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada as well as to CANDU and Light Water Reactor (LWR) plants in offshore markets. More information on OCNI can be found at
About Bruce Power
Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an electricity company based in Bruce County, Ontario. We are powered by our people. Our 4,200 employees are the foundation of our accomplishments and are proud of the role they play in safely delivering clean, reliable, low-cost nuclear power to families and businesses across the province. Bruce Power has worked hard to build strong roots in Ontario and is committed to protecting the environment and supporting the communities in which we live. Learn more at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube