Community Foundation accepting applications for FALL grants

Community Foundation Grey Bruce invites charities and nonprofit organizations across Grey and Bruce Counties to apply for grants before the fall deadline of September 15, 2018.

Projects must benefit local communities in one of the following categories: health and wellness, arts and culture, education and lifelong learning, living standards, the environment, and community connections. Each of these categories are outlined in the Foundation’s Vital Signs® report and applicants are asked to describe how their project relates to the report.

Vital Signs is a community check-up conducted by Community Foundations across Canada that measures the vitality of our communities, identifies significant trends and supports action on issues that are critical to our quality of life.

Organizations can access the online application form, assessment criteria and full Vital Signs report at .

It’s advised that applicants confirm the eligibility of their project before beginning the application process by contacting the Grant Co-ordinator at the Foundation office at 519.371.7203 during regular business hours.

Grants will be distributed to successful applicants in October 2018. Established in 1994, Community Foundation Grey Bruce builds community vitality now and for future generations by encouraging endowment building and facilitating philanthropic partnerships within Grey and Bruce Counties. The Foundation provides grants to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations that, in turn, provide necessary initiatives and services for the people of this region. Community Foundation Grey Bruce also provides leadership in identifying and convening discussion around community issues.

Established in 1994, Community Foundation Grey Bruce builds community vitality now and for future generations by encouraging endowment building and facilitating philanthropic partnerships within Grey and Bruce Counties. The Foundation provides grants to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations that, in turn, provide necessary initiatives and services for the people of this region. Community Foundation Grey Bruce also provides leadership in identifying and convening discussion around community issues.