COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Extended to All Born in 2009

To support a safe return to school and to ensure more children and youth benefit from the protection offered by the vaccine, the Grey Bruce Health Unit will provide the Pfizer vaccine to those born in 2009. The province has extended eligibility to all those born in 2009, no longer requiring waiting until their twelfth birthday.

Vaccine should be top of the to-do list to get ready for back-to-school in September.

Vaccination remains the best way to prevent severe illness and complications from COVID-19 and its variants. All eligible students, born 2009 or earlier, are urged to get both first and second doses of the vaccine prior to returning to school in September. 

To provide easy access to vaccines, mobile and pop-up clinics will take place across Grey Bruce, including at all high schools, before the beginning of the school year. Clinics are drive-in, walk-in, bike-in; no appointment is needed.

For a complete list of clinics visit: Vaccine Clinics

Poor weather may result in the cancellation of clinics with little notice. Please follow our social media accounts (Twitter: @GBPublicHealth, Facebook: @greybrucepublichealth) for up-to-date announcements and cancellations.