Have you checked out the legions new webpage? If not you can find it at www.kincardinelegion.com. It will be updated regularly and will keep you informed on upcoming events and activities happening at the legion.
Burgers before bingo are back. Come out and grab a burger between 5 and 7pm on Thursday nights. Since you’re already at the legion why not stay and play bingo. It’s a fun night out and who knows you might even win.
Friday night jam sessions are on June 8th and 22nd. If you play an instrument bring it along with you and join in. The fun all starts around 7pm in the clubhouse.
June trivia will be on June 22 at 7pm in the hall. I’m sure Laura will have some great questions for us and who knows maybe a new topic as well. Come out and join in the fun.
June 23 is the legion track and field meet at the Davidson Center. School aged athletes from around District C will be competing. The public is encouraged to come out and watch and support these athletes.
The next general membership meeting will be held in the hall on Sunday June 24 at 2pm. All members are encouraged to attend. You all have a say in what happens in the legion but if you want your voice heard then you should come out to the meeting.
Although the weather can’t decide what season it is, the legion patio is open during legion hours for you to enjoy.
The Legion is open Monday to Friday noon to 10pm, Saturday noon to 6pm.
You do not need to be a legion member to come and enjoy everything our facility has to offer.