Kincardine Pride Parade going virtual

For decades, Pride events have taken place across the country. For Kincardine Pride President, Fort Papalia, “This Pride season will be no different, Kincardine Pride will be there to show support for our 2SLGBTQI community, and that Kincardine is a 2SLGBTQI-positive community, no matter how we celebrate. It reminds us that we are a community, even when physical distancing requirements keep us apart.”

In the absence of in-person celebrations like parades, Kincardine Board member and Pride Parade Director, Dave Trumble notes that “the theme Exist-Persist-Resist, Global Pride 2020, is a celebration of visibility and civil rights for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex communities. Even as lockdowns, states of emergency and physical distancing remain in place across the country and around the world, Pride festivities can offer much needed spaces for virtual community gatherings, healing, positive affirmation and political engagement”.

“We know that Pride season is an important time to connect and to celebrate for families and schools”, says Kincardine Pride Board member, Erica Everingham. Erica adds, “Yes, this Pride will be different, but it will still be ours. It can bring families and youth together. COVID-19 has forced physical and social distancing on us and the 2SLGBTQI community perhaps having experienced isolation before the pandemic. More than ever, Kincardine Pride supporters need to show that they are not alone or isolated”.

Virtual celebrations and affirmation of support, in print media and online, for the 2SLGBTQI community in Kincardine on June 26-27th and throughout Pride month will help to soften any sense of isolation and provide the hope that parades and in person celebrations of Pride will return one day” says Kincardine Pride VP, Sandy Blackwood. “We have some events in the works to be held once it is safe to gather as a group.”

With the collaboration of the Municipality of Kincardine, Pride flags have once again been raised for the month of June at the Davidson Centre and downtown library flagpoles. Papalia is pleased to let people know that “Kincardine Pride will be taking on a number of virtual methods to celebrate Pride. These will include videos, social media updates and advertising. In addition, we also know that Kincardine is already into the spirit of Pride as we see flags and decorations showing up across the community.

With thanks to Kincardine Pride Board member, Gord Dunbar, Kincardine United Church will be holding an online Affirming Diversity Worship Service celebrating diversity within our community. The service will begin live stream at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 26th. Please check the Kincardine United Church website at

Happy Pride from all of us at Kincardine Pride!

Kincardine Pride Parade 2020 Cancelled