Let Nature take its course – hunters not wanted

I had reported that there were many coyotes spotted on the lake in Inverhuron and to be careful.
This was NOT an open invitation for people with guns, some of whom do not even live there, to come down and hunt them.  It has turned out that the hunters are now causing more concern than the coyotes.
The hunters have been spotted going into the bush behind homes with guns.
Some residents are concerned that the hunters have been trapping squirrels to use as bait.  Inverhuron residents don’t want vigilante hunters coming and hunting where people walk with their pets. To date there have been no reports of coyotes attacking people or their pets and if that were to happen, then the MNR would be notified.
This is the mating season of coyotes and wolves and some of these coyotes could be ready to give birth.  They will soon be moving back into the bush and rearing their young.  Nature has its own way of regulating wildlife and when nature needs help, the Ministry of Natural Resources will step in.
Please respect the residents of Inverhuron and their natural environment and let nature take it’s course.
Karen Ballok

Tiverton News