New Emergency Community Support Fund collaboration initiated

United Way of Bruce Grey and the Community Foundation Grey Bruce are now accepting funding applications for the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF). The fund provides financial support to charities and other qualified donees adapting their frontline services to support vulnerable Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ECSF was announced by the Government of Canada and is administered in collaboration with United Way Centraide Canada, Community Foundations of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross.

A total of $582,000 will be invested locally with the Community Foundation Grey Bruce and United Way Bruce Grey jointly assessing incoming applications. The agencies encourage charities in the community who are serving vulnerable populations to apply to the fund, through the Community Foundation or United Way.

Starting today, United Way Bruce Grey and Community Foundation Grey Bruce will begin accepting applications for funding from qualified donees. Grants can be used for a variety of purposes, including to cover staffing or resource needs, purchase assistance and more. Funding will be issued on an ongoing basis through July 2020, as funds permit. Charities and community organizations are invited to visit these websites for eligibility and application instructions:

Community Foundation Grey Bruce: United Way of Bruce Grey:

“Canadian charities and not for profits are always there to help you, in your time of need. But the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing real challenges to these important organizations. With today’s announcement, the Government of Canada will be there for them so they can continue to be there for Canadians,” said the Hon. Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

“We’re proud to partner with the Government of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross, and Community Foundations of Canada to get help to community service organizations that need support to respond to COVID-19. Together, we can keep our communities strong,” said Dan Clement, President & CEO, United Way Centraide Canada. “Our network of local United Way Centraides brings extensive knowledge of more than 5,000 communities from across Canada. That intimate knowledge of local issues and local community service networks will allow United Way Centraides to make swift and informed funding decisions to provide emergency relief for those who need it most.”

“At Community Foundations of Canada, our purpose to ‘relentlessly pursue a future where everyone belongs’ has never felt more important than it does right now,” said Andrea Dicks, Community Foundations of Canada President. “We’re grateful for the leadership of local community foundations like Community Foundation Grey Bruce, who are stepping forward to activate this Fund and support their community as it navigates COVID-19. Thanks to the Government of Canada’s contribution, our network will support local organizations serving vulnerable groups, helping us set the stage for more inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities.”

Francesca Dobbyn, Executive Director, United Way of Bruce Grey says, “This fund comes with support of our local charities that have been responding to the pandemic to the best of their ability. I am hearing daily from charities that are stretched beyond their standard capacity as they rise to the challenge of meeting local needs. We are thrilled to be able to further support them and enhance their capacity with these additional dollars.”

“This is a vital step in the fight against COVID-19,” says Stuart Reid, Executive Director, Community Foundation Grey Bruce, “Local charities and non-profit organizations have been working tirelessly to support those who need it most right now. This additional funding is a much-needed boost to their efforts. We’re looking forward to flowing funds quickly to ensure no one in our community is left behind.”

About Community Foundation Grey Bruce

Created in 1994, Community Foundation Grey Bruce enhances community vitality by fostering open discussion about local need, sharing knowledge, and growing endowments to provide strategic granting and support to a wide range of non-profit organizations. The vision of Community Foundation is that everyone in Grey Bruce benefits from a vital, healthy, and resilient community

About United Way of Bruce Grey

The United Way of Bruce Grey is a community-based autonomous organization which is dedicated to moving people from poverty to possibility, building strong, inclusive communities and helping children be all that they can be. We are committed to serving our vulnerable populations through our front line programs (Utility Assistance, Financial Literacy and Backpack Program) and by supporting like-minded local agencies which have specialized expertise with seniors, the hungry and the homeless, at risk youth, support for abused women, mental health support and more. By combining strengths, our goal is to create opportunities for a better life for everyone throughout Bruce and Grey Counties.