Up, Up and Away at Port Elgin COPA Kids Day!

Families wait for flight returns
Pilot Tim Thorn and his ‘crew’ (L) Tyson Bilton, Tarrace Reinswald and Grace McGillivra

When it comes to flying, the weather on Saturday, July 7th on the Lake Huron shoreline was considered perfect.

COPA (Canadian Owners & Pilots Association) held its annual KIDS DAY at Port Elgin airport when area pilots took the time to take kids up into the air and, for most, it was a first time flight.

Pilot Jim Mimnagh lands his plane…
… with passengers ….
(L) James Avery, Pilot Jim Mimnagh, Olivia and Ellen Miller of Oshawa
Tim Thorn brings his Cessna in …
… with ‘co-pilot’ Tyson Bilton

Those who completed a flight also received a certificate and, those who were 14 to 17 also received an official log book of their flight time. The log allows them free access to an on-line instructional program valued at $300, that satisfies the study requirement for a private pilot’s licence to prepare them for subsequent flight training on their own.

According to the registration records, there were visitors from Kincardine, Tiverton, Paisley, Walkerton, Cambridge and Sudbury.

Pilot Jamie Hastings and Avery Keenleyside …
Avery receives her official flight certificate