The striking beauty of Bruce and Grey Counties never ceases to amaze during the colourful fall months. As Thanksgiving approaches, we are reminded of our good fortune in the opportunity to live in such a pristine part of Ontario and Canada. Our natural backyard, with its majestic escarpment, endless stretches of scenic lake shore, and inland expanse of rural farm acreage, is remarkably enhanced when the fall leaves, apples, pumpkins, and other riches of the harvest are in full view.
During these busy and often uncertain times, it is vital for all of us to pause and take note of our surroundings to gain, and in some cases regain, perspective of the things for which we are thankful.
As Director of Education for Bluewater District School Board, I am thankful to live in a part of the world where a vibrant and inclusive public education system offers the chance for all students to succeed regardless of their background. I am also grateful to the many families we serve in our communities across Bruce and Grey for choosing our schools, and entrusting us with the important responsibility of preparing their children for success in their future pathways.
Eternal thanks are owed to our exceptional Bluewater District School Board staff in their varied roles at all corners of the system for the meaningful work they do each day to support our students. This extends to the dedicated volunteers and partners we are so lucky to have in Bluewater, who give their time, skills, and expertise to numerous programs, committees, and activities that foster student learning and well-being.
As always, I truly appreciate our Board of Trustees for their strong leadership and guidance, as well as my supportive senior team members and Corporate Services staff, who help me to fulfill my daily duties as Director of Education.
It is my hope that you will take some time over the weekend to reflect on the people in your life who deserve gratitude. Better yet, please demonstrate your heartfelt appreciation by giving thanks to them in some small way.
Thank you again for everything you do, and please accept my warmest wishes for a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving.
Alana Murray
Director of Education