Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker says Drive Clean has outlived its usefulness and he welcomes today’s announcement that it is being scrapped in Ontario.

“It has proven to be an inefficient and expensive program that did little for the environment while costing drivers money and time,” Walker said. “Ontario’s air quality is improving, the vast majority of cars today easily pass the test because of tighter manufacturing standards on emission-control technologies, and so the Drive Clean program no longer provides value to taxpayers.”
Premier Doug Ford and Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks the Hon. Rod Phillips announced today that as of April 1, 2019, Ontario drivers will no longer be required to get Drive Clean emissions tests and repairs for their passenger vehicles, a change that will save taxpayers over $40 million annually.
Walker said while reducing inefficiency, the government is developing a new program to specifically target industrial transport trucks and the highest polluters on Ontario roads.
He says a new, enhanced program will focus on heavy duty vehicles like commercial transport trucks and will ensure that Ontario continues to lead Canada in reducing harmful smog-causing pollutants.
It will also bring tougher on-road inspections to ensure owners are properly maintaining their vehicle emissions.
More details about the new program for heavy duty vehicles will be available in the coming months from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.