Kincardine Assessment Centre reduces hours of operation

Beginning Saturday, May 9, the COVID-19 Assessment Centre at the Kincardine hospital will be closed on weekends, and continue to operate from12:00-4:00 PM Monday to Friday.

Since opening the Assessment Centre on March 19, volumes have been relatively low, and more recently there has been a significant drop in volumes on the weekends. To date, 364 people have been seen in the Assessment Centre in Kincardine, and 197 tests have been completed.

For the general public, COVID-19 testing is now available for those who have the following medical conditions, and any new or worsening respiratory symptoms (testing will not be completing if you are not showing symptoms):

  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Immunocompromised, including HIV, autoimmune diseases, and those taking immunomodulating medications
  • Transplant recipients or donors
  • Those who are on dialysis
  • Those who have cancer
  • Those living in communal or shared settings such as shelters, group homes, etc., and who have any new or worsening respiratory symptoms
  • First responders (paramedics, fire and police) with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms

Healthcare workers with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms, regardless of work setting:

  • This includes home care workers or others caregivers who go into the home
  • This includes staff and volunteers in hospitals, long-term care and retirement homes who do not have direct contact with residents

If you are unsure of whether to visit an assessment centre, complete the online COVID-19 self-assessment tool to evaluate your symptoms (