Men ‘Walk a Mile in HER Shoes’ to raise awareness

Saugeen Shores ‘boys in blue’ step up and out (L-R) Zack Zadow (Aux.), Terry Vargas (Aux.), Zach Mowbray (Aux.), Constable Michael Cuillerier, Paul Vitez (Aux.), Fred Tanton (Aux.) and Chief Mike Bellai (Elizabeth Kennedy – L leant her support)

Are you Man Enough? This group is!

Mother Nature definitely co-operated for the 5th annual ‘Walk a Mile in HER Shoes’ fundraiser for the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey as she brought warm, sunny weather.

Approximately 50 men turned out for the event held on Sunday, May 27th hosted by the Queen’s Bar & Grill in Port Elgin, to raise awareness of violence against women and domestic abuse.  They donned red high heels to walk or ‘hobble’ the mile in support of the Women’s House.

Grey-Bruce Labour Council supports women

Although donations are still coming in and a final total has not yet been determined, according to the Women’s House, it was one of the most successful walks to be held yet with more than $22,000 already realized.

Don Matheson Huron-Bruce Liberal Candidate

Mike Rencheck, President and CEO of Bruce Power found a pair to fit!