In praise of teamwork: As we near year-end, I’d like to recognize two valued OPG employees, whom you may have met in our Bruce-area communities, for their fine contributions this past year.
· Senior Communications Advisor Lynda Cain, a 30-year OPG employee and long-time resident of the Municipality of Brockton, oversees OPG’s Corporate Citizenship Program (CCP) in the Bruce area; she’s been busy making the rounds in recent days, delivering dozens of OPG sponsorship cheques before the holidays. You can thank Lynda for handling the scores of applications we receive annually from worthy community initiatives in environment, science, youth, education and cultural events, totalling about $140,000 in OPG local support each year to about 70 to 100 not-for-profit groups.
· Communication Officer Jessica Jones focuses on employee communications at the Western Waste Management Facility. She transferred up to the Western site a year ago after spending a few years on the Darlington Refurbishment Project. In her new role here, she has also taken on more external responsibilities, supporting OPG’s presence at festivals and events and assisting in First Nations engagement, among other things. Jessica is a proud resident of the Municipality of Huron-Kinloss.
All three of us work from the OPG office at the Bruce nuclear site in the Municipality of Kincardine. As for me, I continue to live in the Town of Saugeen Shores, while sharing OPG’s news all around Bruce, Huron and Grey counties. Our team considers ourselves lucky to live and work here. Thank you to all our neighbours who make outreach so enjoyable.
Around Ontario and beyond:
· Small but mighty: The provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan recently announced they are working together to advance Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), a cutting-edge technology to provide carbon-free, affordable, reliable, and safe energy, while helping to unlock economic potential across Canada. OPG, one of the companies cited in the premiers’ Memorandum of Understanding, is innovating for tomorrow with SMRs.
· Saving lives: For close to 50 years, OPG’s Pickering Nuclear Generating Station has been an important source of one of the world’s most valuable medical isotopes: Cobalt-60. Now OPG has signed a new agreement with Nordion, an Ottawa-based health sciences company, to produce Cobalt-60 at Darlington’s reactors, continuing the legacy of Pickering. The life-saving isotope, used to irradiate and sterilize medical equipment and certain foods, helps keep millions of people around the world safe and healthy.
· Deck the Falls: Millions of sparkling, colourful lights are once again transforming Niagara Falls into a winter wonderland. Now in its 37th season, the OPG Winter Festival of Lights continues through January 12. OPG proud to be “title sponsor of this festival that brings so much joy and happiness to so many families,” said Jessica Polak, Vice-President of OPG’s South Central Operations.
With best wishes to you and yours, for peace and prosperity in 2020